Clinical Oncology Society of Australia


COSA is the peak national body for all health professionals whose work involves the care of cancer patients.

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Progress your career and knowledge, access up-to-date news and resources, save on conferences and educational resources.

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Collaborate and make a difference

Connect with leaders in cancer healthcare, drive advocacy and facilitate research to impact cancer care and control.


Why become
a member?

COSA membership offers opportunities to connect, collaborate and contribute to improve cancer care

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Education Brand Pillar Item Icon

COSA supports the professional and educational needs of its members by designing, developing and delivering professional development activities. Examples of these include the ASM, Clinical Professional Days, the National Cancer Survivorship Conference and the development of Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Research Brand Pillar Item Icon

COSA facilitates research across the spectrum of cancer care through the ASM, COSA Groups and support for the Cancer Cooperative Trials Groups. COSA also publishes submissions and reports related to cancer research issues in Australia.

The Pillars

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Advocacy Brand Pillar Item Icon

COSA is active in advocating for improvements in cancer care policy in Australia. COSA regularly makes submissions to government and other organisations on matters of significance to COSA members. COSA also releases reports and position statements developed by COSA members.

Collaboration Brand Pillar Item Icon

COSA works to enhance cancer care in Australia through the development of professional networks. COSA members with a common interest in a discipline, disease type or area of need form Groups to discuss issues and develop solutions to common problems in cancer care.